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Baba Bulgursalaatti

Weight: Country of manufacture:
2kg Suomi / Finland


Bulgurvehnä/bulgurvete, tomaatti/tomat, sipuli/lök, oliiviöljy/olivolja, sitruunamehu/citronsaft, persilja, pippuri/peppar, suola/salt


Storage at 0°C - 6°C. Lasts open in the refrigerator for about 5 days.

Product size:

Nutritional values 100g

Nutritional values / 100g
Energy 275kcal / 1151kJ
Fat 6.4g – saturated fat 0.7g
Carbohydrates 17.4g – sugars 3.6g
Fiber 3.4g
Protein 4.4g
Salt 0.5g

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All Baba consumer packages are recyclable and should be placed in either plastic, glass, or cardboard recycling. Please check the product packaging for more detailed instructions.